The members of the Board are volunteers

The Board is responsible for running the association along the founding articles. These include the management of projects, ensuring efficient use of the available resources, annual reports at the general meeting of its members, attracting new members and patrons as well as ensuring a professionally run infrastructure of the club. Whenever they travel to Malawi this is paid for by private means and is not funded by the treasury of Pro Phalombe!

Christoph Knoblauch (Projectcoordination)
Chief Physician of Internal Medicine, Kantonsspital Nidwalden, Central Switzerland
1987/88 Trip to Africa, three months stay in Malawi
1993/97 Living in Phalombe
2001 Groundbreaking children's ward project, travelled with 10 club members
2002 Opening of the children's ward, again 10 members travelled to Phalombe
Regular trips to Malawi and stays at the hospital
2016 Opening “Project Operating Theater”, 2018 Opening “Radiology”
2022 Last site visit

Juerg Neidhart (Chairman, Projectcoordination, Documentation)
General Manager OPTIVISION (Grafic Design), Zug
1987/88 Trip to Africa, three months stay in Malawi
1995 Site visit
1999 Donor-Meeting in Phalombe and Blantyre
2010 Site visit (audit and meeting “Project Operating Theater”)

Bruno Rueegg (Vice Cairman, Actuary)
Pharmacist FPH
1995 Visit and one month stay in hospital Phalombe

Ulrike Seiferheld (Actuary)
Nurse Intensiv Care
2006 February/March, two month stay in hospital Phalombe
2006 September one week stay in Hospital Phalombe
2010 August/September, three weeks stay in Hospital Phalombe

Humza Bashir (Actuary, new media)
IT Engineer/Project Manager
Born and lived in Malawi for 19 years
Worked for the United Nations, assisted in setting up the computer infrastructure for the 2009 Presidential Elections
Regular trips to Malawi

Markus Zehnder (Public Relation, Projectcoordination)
Betr. oek. HWV, Marketing/Salesmanager EU
1993 Site visit
2000 Meeting and kickoff “Project Children′s Ward”
2005 Meeting and kickoff “Project Patients Ward”

Iwan Daetwyler (Cashier)
Swiss Certified Trustee
1996 Site visit

Peter Huegli (Actuary)
Dipl. Optician/Optometrist
1978–86 Living in Blantyre. Build an optometric specialist company in Malawi, with offices in Blantyre and Lilongwe and an eyeglass factory.
Regular trips to Malawi

Angela Pfister (Actuary)
Nurse Intensiv Care Neonatology, Kantonsspital Aarau
October 2017–January 2018 Trip to Malawi and stay in Hospital Phalombe

Karin Blaettler (Actuary)
Nurse Visceral and Vascular Surgery, Kantonsspital Luzern
July–September 2017 Trip to Malawi and stay in Hospital Phalombe