We do ask you to join as a member or patron

With your support, we can make an important contribuition to the future of the hospital Phalombe and its rural community.

Membership CHF 50.–
Family MembershipCHF 80.–
Corporate Mempership CHF 200.–

As a member or patron you will be regularly informed about our activities. From the elderly to the youngest patients, everyone fully appreciates our work and is very thankful for every Franc donated.

Please do contact us for any further information. We′ll be happy to send our pamphlet to you informing you of our ongoing projects and support of the hospital.

Pro Phalombe is supervised by the tax authorities of Lucerne (Central Switzerland). Donations from individual and legal persons to the association are deductable from income or profit taxation.

Pro Phalombe
P.O. Box 3601
CH-6002 Lucerne

PC-Konto: 60–572647–3
IBAN: CH63 0900 0000 6057 2647 3

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